
A room for two

 A room for two   Art and Culture,Home Improvement,Consumer Studio Ben Allen reinterprets the imagery of ‘St. Jerome in His Study’ - a painting by the Italian Renaissance master Antonello da Messina - as a room for two children… Inspiration comes from strange, often unexpected quarters. The exercise of designing a compact interior based on a painting that was executed sometime between 1460-1475 “reflecting a magnificent taste for detail and optical truth” has become a much-looked-forward-to private lair for two young siblings. With the children visiting their parents during weekends – the space that is fashioned as a kind of triumphal arch sans walls and ceiling, serves as study area, play area, sleep and relax area, as the case maybe, and can be reconfigured at will. Its highlight is its large furniture element that defines the architecture of the space. Site context plays a huge role here. Located in Central London’s Brutalist neighbourhood, the one-bedroom Barbican estate apartment